Monday, November 12, 2012

Restart: Christy Fitness Day 1

As you can imagine, with the trip to Seattle, the nutrition and fitness regime took a backseat. Though Chris and I did a ton of walking up and down the hills of Seattle and I also took a lot of movement classes while at the convention, we didn't eat in the most healthy way. Today began our first full week back in town and now I'm doing a reboot. Yes, I understand Thanksgiving is only one week away and I'm confident we'll stay on track. Both Chris and I have goals and we're both committed to making them happen. (Plus, we are hosting Thanksgiving, so we have a bit of control over what is served.) This evening, we did a 45 minute cardio work out and tomorrow morning, I will do my reboot weigh in. I'll be tracking my food with my MyPlate App and Chris and I will be doing the P90x Lean work out. We've both done P90x Classic before and we're excited to get it started. I know that there will be days when I want to eat everything in sight and not work out at all. Actually, today was one of those days and I sucked it up and worked out anyway. I feel so much better for it and I'm so grateful that Chris is doing this with me. It's so much harder to back out of workouts or not eat well when I know my honey is doing it too.

On a different note, I learned a massage and stretching regime at the convention that may help my swelling legs. (Oh, I have an amazing retention for water in my feet and legs. You would think that I was 80 years old and diabetic, but neither is the case.) I'm committed to practicing that regime every morning and evening to see how it affects me. I'll keep you posted.


  1. For me: 32 inch waist. It's been like 10 years. Here we go, honey!
