Friday, October 26, 2012

Christy Fitness Day 2

Yesterday was a challenge. You see, I have a job that sometimes requires me to work late into the night. All of this week I had that requirement, however last night was by far the latest. I did not get home until 3am, much to the chagrin of Chris, so my plan went out the window. I did not set my alarm to move every hour, I did not work out and I did not write down everything that went into my mouth. The one bright spot is that the portion control did happen in that I barely ate yesterday. This is why this blog is so good for me. I have to be able to recognize when I'm in need of balance and what I can and cannot control. I couldn't control my work schedule this week, however I could have controlled my movement, how much and what I ate as well as writing down my food choices. This also gives me a good way to call myself out on my BS and yes, I take full ownership of the BS that was this week for me. It is a good start and of course there will be baby steps forward and some steps backward. When in the past this would dishearten me, I'm going to try a paradigm shift; to look at these steps forward and backward as all apart of the process that is manifesting my desired state. There... it makes me feel better already.

Today will be a better day, though I start out with a small brownie and a cup of coffee. (I did say it was small... not the healthiest of breakfasts, but I suppose it is better than nothing at all.) Yes, I know.. BS. Lunch will be better.


  1. Chicken drumsticks and roasted pumpkin for lunch? That's what I had!

  2. Me too!!! It was very yummy and very healthy.
