Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Christy Fitness Day 1

I have a wonderful fiance; his name is Chris. (Yes our names are very close... Chris/Christy... Just so long as you don't mistake us for New Jersey's Governor.) He proposed to me in epic fashion on 10/12/12.

Here is the link for anyone that wants to view it:

Now begins the whirlwind that will be our lives until the wedding. Looking at myself in this video, I've come to the realization that while I do certainly love who I am, my body needs a little work. So begins the Christy fitness movement! I weighed myself this morning and I'm at 194.4. My goal is to lose 40 lbs by October 1, 2013. (Yes, we are planning an October wedding..) I have a year to shed this excess and I'm confident I can make it happen.

The Plan:
Move... a lot! My job is pretty sedentary, so I'm setting an alarm to get up from my desk and move every hour.

Work out a minimum of 4 times a week. Chris and I have been working out, however we aren't consistent and I need to make my workouts more challenging.

Portion control - Chris is a great cook so I want to eat every single thing he makes me. My diet consists of mainly fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meats. I'm just eating too much of it.

Journal - Write down everything that goes into my body.

Here we go universe! Let's make it happen!!


  1. Thank you, my love! I'm so elated to know that we are on this journey together.

  2. Yea! Good for you! I'm also on the same journey, with the same numbers. Let's help each other!

    1. Absolutely! I'm starting back up this week, so we'll definitely get it going!
